Optical Enhancement in Periodic Plasmonic Gratings for SERS and Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Photodetectors (MSM-PDs) applications

Student: Ahmad A. Darweesh

Degree: Ph.D., May 2019

Major Professor: Dr. Joseph B. Herzog

Research Area(s):



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  • Free electrons in metallic structures receiving an incident electric field have been shown to exhibit collective oscillations and produce increased electromagnetic fields (i.e. plasmons).
  • Deposition of metallic nanostructures on a semiconducting substrate allow for generation of greater photocurrent in the device.


  • Enhanced structure design and accurate nanofabrication techniques will lead to greatly improved photovoltaic and photo-detection applications.


  • Generate air/GaAs models in COMSOL FEM software for nano-scale devices.
  • Develop script in MATLAB to calculate and plot optical enhancement given raw data from COMSOL.
  • Perform various parametric sweeps to vary structural aspects of the structure.

Key Results

  • Demonstrated computationally that a reduction in the gap between structures will generate an increase in optical enhancement due to plasmonic effects.
  • Determining a weighted relationship between the optical enhancement and current density.


  • Smaller nano-gap (g) between structures increases the optical enhancement produced.
  • Period as a function to gap space can give sharper absorption spectrum.
  • Smaller wire width (w) and gap space (g) generate more current density