Mounting Protocol Development for Photovoltaic Cells for CubeSat on PCBs
Student: Alessandro Console
Major Professor: Dr. Adam Huang
Research Area(s):
- CubeSat and nano scale satellite power supply.
Photovoltaic technology with single or triple junction cells and made with silicon or GaAs materials.
- Reduced cost of solar cells and availability of economical space grade photovoltaic cells.
Standard design of nano scale satellites encouraged for universities and small companies to utilize for space scientific research.
- Cut TrisolX
- Solar cells.
- Cut MISOL 5×5 Mono Solar Cells.
- Orient cells in a manner to be most efficient for a limited surface area.
- Mount cells on Printed Circuit Boards to test the amount of space needed making sure that the cells don’t interfere with one another.
- Test voltage supply of the cells.
- Test cells connection with voltage step up circuit.

Key Results
- Cells function efficiently after cutting.
- Reflow Soldering is a functioning method to mount TrisolX cells on PCBs.
- The voltage step up circuit is inconclusive.

- Different cells shape can be chosen depending on the availability of area on the CubeSat.
- Big solar cells will most likely be used at the sides of the CubeSat while the TrisolX cells will occupy the ends of the satellite.
- More research is needed for voltage step up circuit.