Development of SiGeSn IR Detectors
Student: Justin M. Rudie
Degree: M.S., Dec. 2021
Major Professor: Dr. Fisher Yu
Research Area(s):
Nanoscale Materials & Devices
Microelectronic-Photonic Materials & Devices
Current infrared imaging sensors are expensive III-V materials
Germanium based materials are well suited for IR detection, but material systems are relatively unexplored/characterized
Characterization of band offsets is necessary for device modeling to advance this material system.
Novel CVD growth techniques to increase Sn in previously unrealized compositions of SiGeSn will be grown and characterized
Band offsets of SiGeSn/Gesn will be determined
- CVD growth plans altering pressure, temperature, growth time and other parameters to achieve quality samples
- Confirmation of material content and quality via ellipsometry, PL, TEM imaging, etc.
- XPS of multiple samples to find core level binding energies leading to the determination of the valance band offset (VBO) of the heterojunction.
- Equation to determine VBO:∆EV=(Eai – Ebi) + (ECLb – EVBMb) – (ECLa – EVBMa)
- Conduction band offset (CBO)can be determined from band gap data after VBO is known.
Key Results
- Currently finding offsets of Ge/Si and Ge/GaAs to compare with literature to validate method
- Results are in the form: Reference value/My values/Difference
- Ge/Si VBO = 0.37 eV compared to 0.83 eV in literature
- Ge/GaAs VBO = -0.4 eV compared to 0.56 eV in literature

So far method has not been able to recreate know offsets of Ge/Si and Ge/GaAs materials.
Native oxide present a serious obstacle for finding actual binding energies
Future Work
Comprehensive sample prep method to ensure oxide free surface without crystal damage
Proceed with measurements on GeSn/Ge and SiGeSn/GeSn samples.