Building and Testing a Scanning Electrochemical Probe Microscope
Student: Nicholas Brenton Jones
Major Professor: Dr. Martin Edwards
Research Area(s):
Nanoscale Materials & Devices
Energy Materials & Devices
- Electrodes vary on the nano-to-micro length scale.
- In conventional (macro) electrochemical measurements the current is the sum response of the entire surface, obscuring local variability.
- Nanoscale electrochemical measurements can characterize single nanostructures and determine how structure influences electrochemistry.
- Build a flexible electrochemical microscope with nanometer resolution with open-source designs for custom parts (source parts, program , test,…).
- Develop a parts list and specifications for the microscope.
- Procure parts for microscope.
- Design, prototype, and fabricate custom parts, and provide open-source engineering designs for them.

Key Results
Connected computer, hardware controller, and breakout box to form series of devices that communicate and work together to operate microscope.
Constructed support table, custom Faraday cage with vibrational dampening and sound absorbing panels allowing measurement of picoamp currents in nanometric regions
Generated engineering drawings for all the designed parts.

- An electrochemical microscope was built that measures the electrochemical properties of materials with nanoscale resolution.
- It was designed to be modular and flexible with custom part designs made open source.
- Understanding the electrochemical performance at the nanoscale could ultimately lead to the designing of better electrochemical materials (e.g., for batteries, fuel cells).