Reduced Graphene Oxide-Nanosheet/Polybenzimidazole Composite Membranes for High Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Applications
Student: Thomas McKean III
Degree: M.S., August 2020
Major Professor: Dr. Ryan Tian
Research Area(s):
Nanoscience & Engineering
Conventional Materials & Processes
Increasing the operating temperature of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) will increase efficiency and enable the development of less expensive materials
Nanomaterial filler in the PEM introduces additional proton conductivity and reduces degradation caused by the phosphoric acid (PA) proton transport medium, increasing the durability and performance of the PEMFC
- Boosted proton conductivity of reduced graphene oxide(RGO)-based composite nanomaterial offers superior acid resistance, proton conduction, and mechanical reinforcement
- Hydrothermally synthesize proton conductive RGO nanomaterial composite, including additional functionalization for increased proton conductivity and nano-blending
- Drop cast PBI PEMs containing a range of concentrations of nanomaterial filler and observe their PA uptake
- Characterize the mechanical properties and proton conductivities of PEM’s over a range of nanomaterial content, PA content and temperatures
- Create membrane electrode assembly (MEA) using new PEM’s to test PEMFC performance.
Key Results
- RGO composite and subsequent protonation to introduce proton conductivity successfully performed
- Strong nano-blending between PBI and RGO composite confirmed
- New PEMs with different filler concentrations formed, further optimization ongoing

A proton-rich RGO composite nanomaterial with great PEM filler potential can be hydrothermally synthesized at a low cost
The nano-blending between PBI and RGO can be optimized to effectively mass produce advanced PEMs
Future Work
Synthesize composite nanomaterial using functionalized RGO
Investigate the filler’s ability to increase the mechanical properties of the membrane and decrease acid leeching
Quantify the proton conductivity and test MEA performance at different temperatures and PA loadings
Assess the potential to form RGO composites with advanced proton conducting materials