Study of Electrical Properties of Nanoparticle-Decorated Graphene Devices
Student: Abayomi Omolewu
Degree: Ph.D., December 2021
Major Professor: Dr. Uche Wejinya & Dr. Ryan Tian
Research Area(s):
Microelectronic Materials & Devices
Nanoscale Materials & Devices
Demand for cleaner and more sustainable form of energy is driving research towards alternative energy sources and carrier.
Hydrogen is one of the promising alternative energy carrier.
Hydrogen is colorless, odorless, and has high tendency of leakage. Hence there is need for development of hydrogen gas sensors that meet DoE requirements.
Find correlation between hydrogen sensor parameters for synthesized nanoparticle decorated graphene and electron transport measurements.
- Graphene device done through mechanical exfoliation and e-beam lithography.
- Hall measurement carried for the longitudinal and hall resistance of the device to extract carrier density and carrier mobility

Key Results
- Device fabrication and electrical characterizations of graphene hall bars on HBN and CdPS3 as substrates.

The electrical properties of the sample when extracted will help will the characterization of nano-particle decorated graphene on future

Future Work
More electronic transport measurement for fabricated devices
More AFM analysis of SDS functionalized CVD graphene
Fabrication of device from Pd/Pt decorated graphene