Atomic-Level Friction: Adhesion and Shear Force Analysis
Student: Zach Kauffman
Major Professor: Dr. Greg Salamo
Research Area(s):
Nanoscale Materials & Devices
- Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been a foundation of nanoscale analysis for over twenty years, producing analysis of both morphology and friction.
- Understanding friction at the atomic scale is key to making improvements in frictional losses at the macroscale. Materials’ nanoscale roughness, shape of asperities, and surface-to-surface interactions all share relevance to atomic-scale friction.
- Lateral force microscopy and analysis of grown surfaces can be used to exploit tribological phenomena; our experiment provides insight into finding ideal surface characteristics for instruments or materials, increasing efficiency.
- Find “smooth” AFM tips of various sizes (~100nm to ~300nm) to test frictional properties on an atomically smooth surface.
- Run force curve analyses on each to show relationship of tip contact area and adhesion forces, applying a range of normal forces.
- Isolate adhesion and shear friction forces by pinpointing the wear limit of the tips and surfaces.
Utilize LFM to establish a relationship between tip size/elasticity to shear force, creating a comparison of tip size to friction.

Key Results
There exists a linear relationship between adhesion force and contact area.
Surface area has a major effect on the adhesion force; when moving horizontally, this produces a lateral component to this force which is friction.
For small surface areas, there exists edge effects that take place at higher normal forces, producing an increase in friction that can eventually surpass larger surface areas’ friction.

Conventional models of friction that represent lateral resistance as simply a linear relationship between a coefficient and normal force are incorrect at the atomic scale.
Surface area and edge effects (shear force) play a massive role in friction and follow a saturation effect; this means that for many surfaces where large forces are expected, smaller contact area may increase resistance.
Friction depends on deformation (derived from elasticity) because it changes the contact area and, thus, the lateral component of the adhesive force.