Investigating the Electrochemical Behavior of Silver Nanoparticles at Short Time Scales

Student: Moriah York

Major Professor: Dr. Ingrid Fritsch

Research Area(s):

Nanoscience & Engineering

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  • Surge of consumer products containing silver nanoparticles (AgNP).
  • Necessity to develop methods that monitor real time changes of AgNP in different solutions.



  • Study the effect of electrolyte concentration on the frequency of electrochemical reactions between AgNP and electrode.


  • Polish electrode and characterization with cyclic voltammetry to ensure absence of AgNPs.
  • Prepare electrolyte and AgNP solution and allow equilibration (soak) time before inserting electrodes or not (no soak).
  • Perform four sets of ten (10 s) CAs at varying potentials to observe the occurrence of particle oxidations at the electrode.
  • Analyze the frequency of the particle oxidation peaks and the effects of the soaking time and varying electrolyte concentrations and equilibration time.
  • Confirm above studies by performing additional studies with various electrolyte and particle concentrations.

Key Results

  • For lower electrolyte concentrations, the oxidation frequency was greater for the first few seconds and for higher electrolyte concentration, the oxidation frequency was overall steady.
  • Equilibration period of AgNP in electrolyte solution was needed before oxidation could be observed.



  • The results of the experiments attempted to fit a model, the Cottrell equation to the initial oxidation frequency behaviour.
  • Further studies are required to vary electrolyte and particle concentrations and to fit a model that accurately accounts for the electrolyte and kinetics of the system.